Text-Garden - Text-Mining Software Tools

Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenic
Artificial Inteligence laboratory
Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Text-Mining Software Tools enable easy handling of text documents for the purpose of data analysis including automatic model generation and document classification, document clustering, document visualization, dealing with Web documents, crawling the Web and many other.  The code is written in C++ and originally runs on Windows platform and using Wine or similar utility can be run on Linux/Unix. The code was developed through our own research needs guided by our research projects and refined/polished as the time permitted. The top level components build on the core of the software are contributed through the time by several people from our group including Janez Brank, Blaz Fortuna, Miha Grcar, Jure Leskovec, Blaz Novak.

Please reference the Web site <www.textmining.net>, if you are using any of the provided utilities.