- Transformer from .Cpd into .Tbs file (Cpd2TBs) Download
Transforms file from Compact-Documents format to Text-Base format .
Parameters and example call.
- Dumping contents of .TBs file (TBsDump) Download
Dumps the content of Text-Base format file to the disk.
Parameters and example call.
- Indexing contents of .TBs file (TBsIndex) Download
Builds an index of the existing Text-Base formated file.
Parameters and example call.
- Search-engine server (TBsServer) Download
Search-engine server. Acts as a http server for searching a given Text-Base.
Parameters and example call.
- Search-engine client (TBsSearch) Download
Search-engine client - contacting search client. Evaluates a given search query for a given Text-Base.
Parameters and example call.