Demo Video
Atlas of Slovenian Science is a web portal for analyzing the scientific community. It is applied on Slovenian, but it could be easily applied to any other scientific community. Atlas integrates data about researchers, projects and organizations from different sources. It provides analytic tools and visualizations which help the user to better understand the scientific community.
System architecture
The architecture is divided on server and client side.
On the server side, data from different sources is integrated in single atlas repository. In this example, the data sources are: SICRIS - Slovenian Current Research Information System, - web portal with videos of lectures and ISTWorld - portal that offers information about experts, research groups, centers and companies involved in creating the technologies for the growing information society.
On the client side, visualizations and analytic tools are build. Three different plugins are used: Document Atlas - visualization of text corpora, Raphaël - JavaScript vector graphics library and Lucene.NET - text search engine library.
Three types of visualizations are currently developed: collaboration diagram, collaboration map and competence map.
Collaboration diagram is a type of sociogram that visualizes collaboration between people. The diagram shows with who some researcher is collaborating most intensively. The chosen researcher is placed in the middle of the diagram (central researcher), while all others with which he is collaborating are placed radially around him with the distance relative to intensity of collaboration.
Collaboration map shows collaboration between researchers in the way that the researchers which work on most similar topic are placed close to each other on the diagram. In this way it can be seen if those with the most related research work are collaborating.
Competence map is a diagram that shows intellectual achievements, skills or knowledge of a person, organization or some other entity. It is based on scientific projects on which she/he has worked on.
- KARLOVČEC, Mario, MLADENIĆ, Dunja, GROBELNIK, Marko, JERMOL, Mitja. Visualizations of Slovenian Scientific Community. In Proceedings of the 14th International Multiconference Information Society, 10 - 14 October 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.