Intervju z Markom Grobelnikom - ICEGOV 2020 (v angleščini)
Marko Grobelnik gave an ICEGOV 2020 interview on Artificial Intelligence and digital twins, right after his keynote speech in ICEGOV 2020,
Objava članka v IEEE zborniku
Meaningful Big Data Integration for a Global COVID-19 Strategy Avtorji: Joao Pita Costa, Marko Grobelnik, Flavio Fuart, Luka Stopar
Objava članka v Special Issue of Entropy Journal "Statistical Inference from High Dimensional Data" (v angleščini)
FASTENER Feature Selection for Inference from Earth Observation Data Avtorji: Filip Koprivec, Klemen Kenda, Beno Šircelj
Intervju revije Kongres: Marko Grobelnik
Artificial intelligence is first and foremost a big opportunity for Slovenia.
ICEGOV: Keynote 2 and panel discussion: Thursday, 24 September 2020 | 10:00-11:30 (UTC+3)
Ni na voljo!
Marko Grobelnik panelist na WSIS 2020 forumu
Tuesday Sep 8th at 13h CET Marko Grobelnik has been part of an interesting panel on "High-level Dialogue (HLD) session on Promoting Global Cooperation to harness the power of AI to mitigate COVID-19 World Summit on the Information Society"
Marko Grobelnik panelist na Bled Strategic Forumu 2020
BSF 2020: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID–19 World: Neighbours – Regions – Global World: Partners or Rivals?