Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)
Pregled preteklih projektov
Finančne sheme:
- H2020 – FP7 – FP6 – FP5
- International
- Bilateral
- National
Pretekli projekti:
H2020 (16)
- DataBench H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance (H2020-ICT-780966) (2018-2020)
- TheyBuyForYou H2020 Innovation Action: Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence (H2020-ICT-780247)(2018-2020)
- x5Gon H2020 Innovation Action: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network (H2020-ICT-761758) (2017-2020)
- EnviroLENS H2020 Innovation Action: Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support (H2020-DT-SPACE-821918)(2018-2020)
- PerceptiveSentinel H2020 Research and Innovation Action: BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform (H2020-EO-776115) (2018-2020)
- Humane AI H2020 FET FLAGSHIP: Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us (H2020-FETFLAGSHIP-820437)(2019-2020)
- PrEstoCloud H2020 Cloud Computing: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (H2020-ICT-732339)(2017-2019)
- euBusinessGraph H2020 Big Data PPP: Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services (H2020-ICT-732006)(2017-2019)
- EW-Shopp H2020 Big Data PPP: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey (H2020-ICT-732590)(2017-2019)
- RENOIR H2020 MSCA-RISE: Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing (H2020-MSCA-RISE-691152)(2016-2019)
- BigDataFinance H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN: Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management (H2020-MSCA-ITN-675044)(2015-2019)
- MOVING H2020 INSO: Training towards a society of data-savvy information professionals to enable open leadership innovation (H2020-INSO-693092)(2016-2019)
- OPTIMUM H2020 Research and Innovation Action: Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility (H2020-MG-636160)(2015-2017)
- GlobalDNA H2020 MSCA-IF: Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events (H2020-MSCA-IF-660484)(2016-2019)
- AQUASMART H2020 Innovation Action: Aquaculture Open Data Cloud Innovation (H2020-ICT-644715) (2015-2016)
- EDSA H2020 Coordination and support Action: European Data Science Academy (H2020-ICT-643937) (2015-2017)
FP7 (28)
- FI-IMPACT FP7 Coordination and support action: Future Internet Impact Assurance (FP7-ICT-FI-632840)(2014-2016)
- SUNSEED FP7 Collaborative project: Sustainable and robust networking for smart electricity distribution (FP7-ICT-619437) (2014-2017)
- XLime FP7 Collaborative project : crossLingual crossMedia knowledge extraction (FP7-ICT-611346) (2013-2016)
- COMET FP7 Collaborative project : Complex Contextualization of Mobile Apps with Open Governmental Data (FP7-ICT-611655) (2013-2015)
- ProaSense FP7 Collaborative project : The Proactive Sensing Enterprise (FP7-ICT-612329) (2013-2016)
- SYMPHONY FP7 Collaborative project : Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy (FP7-ICT-611875) (2013-2016)
- MEDIAMIXER FP7 Coordination and support Action : Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments (FP7-ICT-318101-CSA) (2012-2014)
- MOBIS FP7 Collaborative project : Personalized Mobility Services for energy efficiency and security through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (FP7-ICT-318452) (2012-2015)
- NRG4Cast FP7 Collaborative project : Energy Forecasting (FP7-ICT-600074) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- SOPHOCLES FP7 STREP : Self-Organised information PrOcessing, CriticaLity and Emergence in multilevel Systems (FP7-317534-STREP) (2012-2015)
- TOPOSYS FP7 STREP : Topological Complex Systems (FP7-ICT-318493-STREP) (2012-2015), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- LT-Web FP7 Support Action : Language Technologies in the Web (FP7-ICT-287815 -CSA) (2012-2014)
- Translectures FP7 STREP : Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures (FP7-ICT-287755-STREP) (2011-2014)
- XLike FP7 STREP : Cross Lingual Knowledge Extraction (FP7 -ICT-288342- STREP) (2012-2014), coordinated by JSI-AILab
- ESC FP7 Coordination and support Action : European Security Challenge (2011-2012)
- SiS CATALYST FP7 Support Action : Children as Change Agents for Science in Society (2011-2014)
- RENDER FP7 Specific targeted research project : Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (ICT-257790-STREP) (2010-2013)
- ALERT FP7 Specific targeted research project : Active Support and Real-time Coordination based on Event processing in FLOSS development (ICT-249119-STREP)(2010-2013)
- Planetdata FP7 Network of Excellence : Intelligent Information Management (ICT -257641 -NoE) (2010-2014)
- MultiLingualWeb FP7 Coordinated Action : Advancing the Multilingual Web (FP7-ICT-250500-CSA) (2010-2012)
- MetaNet FP7 Network of Excellence : Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society (FP7-ICT-249119-NoE) (2010-2013)
- ENVISION FP7 Collaborative Project : Environmental Services Infrastructures with ontologies (ICT -249120 – CP) (2010-2012)
- GENDERA FP7 Support Action : Gender debate in the European Research Area (ICT-244499) (2009-2012)
- VIDI FP7 eParticipation : Visualising the Impact of the Legislation (2009-2010)
- PASCAL2 FP7 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning 2 (ICT-216886-NOE) (2008-2013)
- ACTIVE FP7 Integrated project : Enabling the Knowledge Powered Enterprise (ICT-215040-IP) (2008-2011)
- EURIDICE FP7 Integrated project : European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (ICT-216271-IP) (2008-2011)
- COIN FP7 Integrated project : Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability (2008-216256) (ICT-216271-IP)
FP6 (14)
- NeOn FP6 Integrated project : Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies (IST-4-027595-IP)(2006-2010)
- SMART FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation (IST-5-033917-STP)(2007-2010)
- IMAGINATION FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Image-based Navigation in Multimedia Archives (IST-5-034626-STP)(2007-2010)
- SWING FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Semantic Web Services Interoperability for Geospatial Decision Making (IST-4-026514-STP)(2006-2009)
- TAO FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Transitioning Applications to Ontologies (IST-4-026460-STP)(2006-2009)
- E4 FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Extended Enterprise management in Enlarged Europe (IST-4-027282-STP)(2006-2008)
- Tool-East FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning and Order Management System for Eastern European Tool and Die Making Workshops (IST-4-027802-STP)(2006-2007)
- KD-ubiq FP6 Co-ordination Action : A blue print for ubiquitous knowledge discovery systems (IST-4-021321-CA)(2005-2008)
- IST World FP6 Specific Support Action : Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST (IST-3-015823-SAS)(2005-2007)
- WS DEBATE FP6 Specific Support Action : Stimulating Policy Debate on Women and Science Issues in Central Europe (SAS-2006-036651-SSA)
- SEKT FP6 Integrated project : Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP)(2004-2006)
- ALVIS FP6 Strategic targeted research project : Superpeer Semantic Search Engine (IST-1-002068-STP)(2004-2006)
- PASCAL FP6 Network of Excellence : Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (IST-1-506778-NOE)(2003-2007)
- CEC-WYS FP6 ERA project : Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (SAS6-CT-2004-003582)(2004-2006)
FP5 (4)
- SOL-EU-NET FP5 RTD project : Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: Solomon European Virtual Enterprise (IST-1999-11495)(2000-2003)
- KDNet FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Discovery Network of Excellence (IST-2001-33086)(2002-2004)
- KMForum FP5 Network of Excellence : European Knowledge Management Forum (IST-2000-26393)(2000-2003)
- NEMIS FP5 Network of Excellence : Network of Excellence in text Mining and its applications in Statistics (IST-2001-37574)(2002-2004)
- Forbidden Books in the Slovenian Lands in the Early Modern Period/Prepovedane knjige na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku L6-7134 (A) 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
- Learning Topological Representations/Učenje topoloških reprezentacij – N1-0058 (C) 1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018
- Services concerning ethical, communicational, skills issues and methodological cooperation related to the use of Big Data in European statistics
- The Corpus Builder project (2000 – 2002)
- Project on Analysis of Large Text Datasets (2000 – 2002)
- Yahoo Planet project (1996 – 1999)