More news on ODEUROPA project - Odeuropa Network
The aim of the Odeuropa Network is to promote international and interdisciplinary expertise and activities around olfactory heritage and sensory data mining. Registered members are enrolled in the projects newsletter, which provide updates of the Odeuropa consortium’s activities (e.g. ‘smellinars’, workshops, research findings) and olfactory heritage events.
Marko Grobelnik gave an interview on RTV Slovenija for the show Na tretjem ...: titled “Načrti strateškega sveta za digitalizacijo” (in Slovene)
The show spoke about the newly established Strategic Council for Digitization with the task of promoting the digitization of the economy and business processes.
Webinar: Data for environmental law compliance monitoring organised as part of enviroLENS
On behalf of the IUCN Environmental Law Centre, it is our great pleasure to invite you to our webinar: Data for environmental law compliance monitoring organised as part of enviroLENS, a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project funded by the European Union.
Marko Grobelnik gave an interview on Radio Student for the radio show Frequenza della scienza “DRAGA! KJE JE MOJA INTELIGENCA?” (in Slovene)
The show spoke about areas that have been stirring our imagination for a long time with scary terminator or idealized scenarios such as "technology can solve everything". The focus of the show is mainly on some basic concepts that will help us in thinking about artificial intelligence in a less black and white way.
IRCAI virtual launch
IRCAI will be officially launched on 29th March 2021! Join us at the virtual conference from March 29 - 30 , 2021 .
Paper published in ScienceDirect
NewsMeSH: a new classifier designed to annotate health news with MeSH headings Authors: Joao Pita Costa, Luis Rei, Luka Stopar, Flavio Fuart, Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenic, Inna Novalija
News on CLEOPATRA ITN project
The Cleopatra ITN, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, aims to make sense of the massive digital coverage generated by the intense disruption in Europe over the past decade – including appalling terrorist incidents and the dramatic movement of refugees and economic migrants.
Marko Grobelnik was invited to the Open Knowledge Day
This year’s Open Knowledge Day consisted of two parts, whereas the first part focused on the exceptions and limitations for education, research libraries, and data analytics, and the second part focused on the implementation of Art 17.
More news on ODEUROPA project
Marko Grobelnik gave an interview on RTV Slo / Radio Si program Euranet Plus (in Slovene) "Odeuropa bo 'ustekleničil' vonjave evropske kulturne dediščine"
More news on ODEUROPA project
Dunja Mladenic gave an interview for STA newspaper, section Znanost (in Slovene) “Z novim projektom bodo raziskovali dediščino vonjev Evrope”