Before the Department was established in 2011, the group has organized a number of events while being members of the Department of Knowledge Technologies.
Events organized in 2020
1 | H2020 Theybuyforyou project meeting, Ljubljana, 28 - 29 January 2020 |
2 | FIN-TECH AI workshop: Use of AI in finance sector – practical usecase, Ljubljana, 6 April 2020 |
3 | CLASSLA K Centre workshop, Ljubljana, 6 - 8 May 2020 (virtual) |
4 | IRCAI Consultation on Recommendation on the Ethics of AI, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 27 - 29 July 2020 (virtual) |
5 | Conference “LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGIES & DIGITAL HUMANITIES 2020”, Ljubljana, 24 - 25 September 2020 (virtual) |
6 | 23. International multiconference INFORMATION SOCIETY – IS 2020, Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehouses – IS 2020, SiKDD 2020, Ljubljana, 5 October 2020 |
7 | AI-Please Mind the Gap, Ljubljana, 17 November 2020 (virtual); V sklopu programa Digitalni November soorganizacija skupaj s Francoskim institutom v Sloveniji |
8 | Round table »Umetna inteligenca: Življenje v času robotov in transhumanizma", Ljubljana, Slovenija, 19 November 2020 (virtual); soorganizacija skupaj z Slovensko nacionalno komisijo za UNESCO |