21.12.2011 |
Ruben Sipoš, JSI |
- Large-Margin Learning of Submodular Summarization Methods |
- Discovering the most influential documents in a corpus by using only word content and publication time by optimizing submodular coverage objective |
14.12.2011 |
Mario Karlovčec, JSI |
Matching business and research with atlas of slovenian science |
7.12.2011 |
Lorand Dali, JSI |
Visualisation od Document Atlas |
30.11.2011 |
Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
Kc OPCOMM poročanje |
23.11.2011 |
Mojca K. Zavrl, JSI |
Pregled dela na projektih |
16.11.2011 |
Tadej Štajner, JSI |
Poročilo o delu na Yahoo! |
2.11.2011 |
Luka Bradeško, JSI |
Presentation of Demos |
26.10.2011 |
Blaž Fortuna, Gregor Leban, JSI |
Presentation of Demos |
19.10.2011 |
Inna Novalija, JSI |
Presentation of Demos |
12.10.2011 |
Jasna Škrbec, Alexandra Moraru, Mario Karlovčec, JSI |
Presentation of Demos |
5.10.2011 |
Lorand Dali, JSI |
- A brief report about the European Summer School of Information Retrieval |
- BICIKELJ: Data mining on the bicycle |
14.9.2011 |
Andrej Muhič, JSI |
Work related to cross-lingual document similarity computation and Wikipedia |
7.9.2011 |
Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
Highlights of the KDD 2011 conference |
31.8.2011 |
Marko Grobelnik, JSI |
Highlights of the AAAI 2011 conference |
24.8.2011 |
Mitja Trampuš, Alexandra Moraru, Mario Karlovčec, JSI |
Summer school on language, logic and inference; ESSLLI 2011 |
17.8.2011 |
Mario Karlovčec, JSI |
PSLC Summer School highlights |
10.8.2011 |
Nenad Tomašev, JSI |
PAKDD 2011 conference highlights |
3.8.2011 |
Mario Karlovčec, JSI |
Atlas Slovenske Znanosti – collaboration diagram and competence map |
13.7.2011 |
Luka Bradeško, JSI |
Paper from ITI 2011 :Contextualized question answering |
6.7.2011 |
Klemen Kenda, JSI |
Videk, mashup for enviromental intelligence |
29.6.2011 |
Primož Škraba, JSI |
Overview of the symposium of computational geometry |
22.6.2011 |
Jasna Škrbec, JSI |
Web application for archives |
15.6.2011 |
Grigoris Antoniou, University of Greece |
Semantic computing research @ forth |
Andrej Muhič, JSI |
Short introduction to cross-lingual document similarity |
8.6.2011 |
Mirjana Ivanović, Deparment of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad |
Technology-Enhanced Learning in Different Learning Environments |
25.5.2011 |
Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
Current setup on GitHub for code sharing |
18.5.2011 |
Aleš Buh, JSI |
GIT HUB software za source control in social network |
11.5.2011 |
Tadej Štaner, JSI |
Named entity extraction from Slovene text |
20.4.2011 |
Primož Škraba, JSI |
Demo: 'Analyzing Dynamical Systems with Computational Topology' |
13.4.2011 |
Loran Dali, JSI |
A short summary of the tutorial 'Ranking on Large-Scale Graphs with Rich Metadata' at WWW 2011 conference |
Alexandra Moraru, JSI |
Two papers from WWW2011 |
- EP-SPARQL: A Unified Language for Event Processing and Stream Reasoning |
- Unified Analysis of Streaming News |
6.4.2011 |
Mitja Trampuš, JSI |
Two papers from WWW2011 |
- Computing Word Relatedness Using Temporal Semantic Analysis |
- Improving Recommendations for Long-Tail Queries via Templates |
Gregor Leban, JSI |
Two papers from WWW2011 |
- Information credibility on Twitter |
- Finding hierarchy in directed online social networks |
23.3.2011 |
Boštjan Pajntar, JSI |
Mulitilngual corpus crawler |
16.3.2011 |
Matjaž Rihtar, Gregor Leban, JSI |
Overview of the european project ALERT |
9.3.2011 |
Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
'Miner'' infrastructure inside Glib |
Delia Rusu, Mitja Trampuš, JSI |
A summary of publications under LIBSCOM - Large Analytics Library for Large Scale Concept Ontology for Multimedia |
Klemen Kenda, JSI |
Slides about implementation of miner for SensorLab |
Luka Bradeško, JSI |
A short discussion regarding E3 group on Mendeley |
Nenad Tomašev, JSI |
A discussion of possible presentation of our group at the following new media event in Belgrade: |
http://www.shareconference.net/en |
2.3.2011 |
Jasna Škrbec, JSI |
Uporabniku prijazen arhiv za učinkovit pregled znanja iz korpusov besedil |
Nenad Tomašev, JSI |
- Hubness proportional clustering |
- Using class hubness for high-dimensional kNN classification |
23.2.2011 |
Tadej Štajner, Blaž Fortuna, Primož Škraba, JSI |
FET ideas |
16.2.2011 |
Bojan Blažica, xLab d.o.o. |
Seminar on Shoebox |
19.1.2011 |
Blaž Fortuna, Delia Rusu, JSI |
Presenting the RENDER project |
9.1.2011 |
Delia Rusu, JSI |
Presenting a paper on opinion mining and social media - predicting box-office revenues for movies based on Twitter: Predicting the Future With Social Media |