At the weekly department meetings the lab holds internal seminars presented by researchers or visiting guests.

28.7.2021 Abdul Sittar
Spatio-temporal analysis (Covid Crisis)
21.7.2021 Elena Trajkova
Monitoring stress with a wrist device using context
14.7.2021 Alenka Guček
Lessons learned from the cell biology research
7.7.2021 Filip Koprivec, Gregor Kržmanc
H2020 Infinitech
30.6.2021 Aljaž Košmerlj, Erik Novak, Patrik Zajec
Automatic Anonymisation of Court Rulings
23.6.2021 Gullal Singh Cheema
Multimodal claim detection on Social Media
16.6.2021 Gal Petkovšek
Optimization of global production scheduling with deep reinforcement learning
9.6.2021 Luis Rei
H2020 project SILKNOW
2.6.2021 Maja Škrjanc, Filip Koprivec and Gregor Kržmanc
H2020 project INFINITECH
26.5.2021 Marko Grobelnik
Overview of future Horizon proposals
19.5.2021 Patrik Zajec
Question generation
11.5.2021 Dr. Miha Cimperman
H2020 project Cog-Lo
4.5.2021 Polona Škraba Stanič
Overview of current proposals in the works
28.4.2021 Abdul Sittar
The 3rd Learning Week within the CLEOPATRA project
21.4.2021 Mateja Škraba
Departmental promotion and dissemination material
14.4.2021 Jože Rožanec
Explainable AI for decision-making
7.4.2021 Dr. Andrej Bauer, FMF
How do proof assistants?
31.3.2021 Dr. Aljaž Košmerlj
The Web Conference 2021
24.3.2021 Matej Posinković, Matej Kovačič
H2020 project: TheyBuyForYou
17.3.2021 Besher Massri, Jakob Jelenčič
OECD ongoing work
10.3.2021 Martin Božič 
Vejice 1.0 - "The use of the BERT model in positioning commas in Slovenian texts"
3.3.2021 Dr. Dunja Mladenić
H2020 project SILKNOW
24.2.2021 Dr. Aljaž Košmerlj, Jože Rožanec 
H2020 FACTLOG project progress
17.2.2021 Dr. Ayse Saliha Sunar
ERASMUS+ project BRIDGES: Bridging Educational Emergency to Digital Pedagogies
10.2.2021 Dr. Inna Novalija
H2020 project ODEUROPA
3.2.2021 Dr. Blaž Fortuna, Qlector
H2020 projects in QLECTOR
27.1.2021 Swati, Abdul Sittar
CLEOPATRA Learning Week
20.1.2021 Blaž Fortuna, Aljaž Košmerlj, Klemen Kenda, Matic Erznožnik, Gal Petkovšek
H2020 STAR, FactLog, AquaSPICE and NAIDES
13.1.2021 Erik Novak
H2020 x5gon project
6.1.2021 Dr. Joao Pita Costa
NAIADES Water Observatory