19.12.2018 Dr. Joao Pita Costa, JSI
Text mining open datasets to support public health
12.12.2018 Dr. Kaja Dobrovoljc, JSI
UNIVERSAL DEPENDENCIES a very short introduction*
5.12.2018 Matej Senožetnik, JSI
CogLo - Overview
28.11.2018 Dr. Carolina Fortuna, JSI
An overview of AiQ
21.11.2018 Marko Grobelnik, JSI
Update on activities within the iniciatives AI4Good and OECD
14.11.2018 Sebastian Peterlin, Stanford University
Analysing News Bias, Word and Price, and Sentiment in Cryptocurrency Articles
7.11.2018 Dr. Aljaž Košmerlj, JSI
EW-Shopp: Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey
24.10.2018 Erik Novak, JSI
x5GON - Collect and Index OER Resources, User Modelling
17.10.2018 Avguštin Kastelic, dr. Dunja Mladenić, JSI
Silk heritage in the Knowledge Society: from punched cards to big data, deep learning and visual / tangible simulations
10.10.2018 Martina Rizou
R&D Activities in Smart Water Management
3.10.2018 Zala Herga, JSI
OPTIMUM Final Review Meeting - WP2: Observe and data fusion Data Infrastructure, ML algorithms & Analytics
26.9.2018 Matjaž Rihtar, JSI
Ontology Tools - a short overview
19.9.2018 Sebastian Peterlin, Stanford University
Overview of Smart Exchange/Future work on EventRegistry
12.9.2018 Mateja Jamnik
Potential collaboration - an overview of ongoing research work
5.9.2018 Dr. Simon Krek, JSI
Multilingual Resources for CEF.AT in the legal domain (MARCEL)
29.8.2018 Dr. Janez Brank, JSI
TheyBuyForYou - Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence
22.8.2018 Sebastjan Fabijan, JSI
8.8.2018 Mark Bogataj, Matej Čerin, Filip Koprivec, Matej Senožetnik, JSI
Smart water management for cities
1.8.2018 Dr. Primož Škraba, JSI
Topological Function Optimization for Continuous Shape Matching
25.7.2018 M.Besher Massri, JSI
Relation Extractor
18.7.2018 Dr. Salman Taherizadeh, JSI
PrestoCloud: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Dtata Processing
11.7.2018 Dr. Gregor Leban, JSI
Latest updates to Event Registry
4.7.2018 Mihajela Črnko, JSI
MicroHe Supporting Future Learning Excellence through Micro-Credentialing in Higher Education
27.6.2018 Dr. Joao Pita Costa, JSI
20.6.2018 Ye Zeng, Aarhus University
How Unusualness and Homogeneity of Media Coverage Impact the Stock Market?
13.6.2018 Dr. Miha Cimperman, JSI
IN2DREAMS Kick-off Meeting
6.6.2018 Giulio Trichilo, JSI
Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Inference of Skill set Hierarchies in a Novel Data Representation of the Labor Market
30.5.2018 Dr. Dumitro Roman
Data-Driven products and services, data markets, and the future of data as a currency
23.5.2018 Jose Rožanec
Mercadolibre - Highlights
16.5.2018 Dr. Inna Novalija, JSI
How can we innovate with  company-related data?
9.5.2018 Zala Herga, JSI
OPTIMUM  - Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Pro-activity for Intelligent Mobility
25.4.2018 Erik Novak, JSI
- x5Gon - Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network
- Artificial Intelligence and Open Educational Resources
18.4.2018 Sahan Bulathwela, Walid Ben Romdhane, UCL
Sahan Bulathwela UCL, x5Gon and JSI; Software Engineer, DUKe Research Team
11.4.2018 Dr. Aljaž Košmerlj, JSI
EWShopp - Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics  and Marketing along the Shopper Journey
4.4.2018 Dr. Inna Novalija, JSI
EDSA Dashboard
28.3.2018 Marko Grobelnik, JSI
DataBench - Evidence Based Big Data Benchmarking to Improve Business Performance
21.3.2018 Dr. Blaž Fortuna, JSI
Qlector - Developing comprehensive solutions for smart factories, ltd.
14.3.2018 Anže Zupanc
PerceptiveSentinel – Crop Classification
7.3.2018 Dr. Miha Cimperman, JSI
Key determinants of the adoption of telemedicine-based services for elderly population;  IAPE – IoT Application Platform for Energy
28.2.2018 Dr. Salman Taherizadeh, JSI
Dynamic Multi-level Auto-scaling Rules for Containerised Applications
21.2.2018 Ruben Sipoš, Pinterest
Using TensorFlow for training on TPUs
14.2.2018 Prof. Janusz Hołyst, Warsaw University of Technology
Phase tranistions in coupled networks
7.2.2018 Matjaž Rihtar, JSI
Neural Machine Translation Current state
31.1.2018 Dr. Matej Kovačič, JSI
TheyBuyForYou: Enabling procurement data value chains for
economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence
24.1.2018 Dr. Dunja Mladenić, Erik Novak, Luis Rei, Luka Stopar, JSI
RENOIR secondment - Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh
17.1.2018 Borut Trpin
The case of IBE versus Bayesian inference
10.1.2018 Dr. Tanja Zdošek Draksler, JSI
MOVING: TraininGtowards a society of data-saVvyinforMationprOfessionalsto enable open leadership INnovation
3.1.2018 Klemen Kenda, Matej Senožetnik, JSI
Water4Cities Secondment:   Singular Logic – Athens   DEYASK – Skiathos    University of Thessaly - Volos