19.12.2012 | Marko Grobelnik, JSI |
Higlights of NIPS 2012, ISWC 2012, CSWS 2012 | |
12.12.2012 | Jan Rupnik, JSI |
Highlights of NIPS 2012 | |
5.12.2012 | Maja Škrjanc, JSI |
Introducing FP 7 NRG4Cast | |
28.11.2012 | Janez Brank, JSI |
Machine learning on large class hierarchies | |
21.11.2012. | Dunja Mladenić, JSI |
Highlights of ISWC 2012 conference | |
14.11.2012 | Matjaž Rihtar, JSI |
Recommendation of videos for videolectures.net - project LaVie - Matjaž Rihtar, JSI | |
7.11.2012 | Nenad Tomašev, JSI |
The Story of Hubs and a bit of code | |
24.10.2012 | Barbara Ikica, JSI |
Visualization of large graphs based on diffusion kernel hierarchical clustering | |
17.10.2012 | Blaž Sovdat, JSI |
QMiner JS API | |
10.10.2012 | Obisk gostje Nataše Milić-Frayling v okviru SiKDD 2012 konference |
3.10.2012 | Jan Rupnik, JSI |
XLike Cross-document Linking | |
26.9.2012 | Luka Stopar, JSI |
Active support and reaL-time coordination based on Event pRocessing in FLOSS developemenT | |
19.9.2012 | Luka Bradeško, JSI |
Problems in Ontology learning with focus on crowd sourcing | |
12.9.2012 | Delia Rusu, JSI |
Internship @ Google | |
5.9.2012 | Mario Karlovčec, JSI |
Slovenian Science Atlas web portal | |
29.8.2012 | Obisk gosta Roka Sosiča |
22.8.2012 | Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
KDD 2012 | |
8.8.2012 | Predstavitev gosta Sandeep Manchella v okviru projekta LaVie |
1.8.2012 | Obisk gosta Joan- lbert Silvestre v okviru projekta La Vie |
25.7.2012 | Damjan Bojadžiev, JSI |
Pregled PPT prezentacije za E3 | |
18.7.2012 | Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
XLike meeting poročilo | |
11.7.2012 | Primož Škraba, JSI |
Applied and computational topology: ATMCS 5 | |
4.7.2012 | Mario Karlovčec, JSI |
ITI 2012 konferenca | |
27.6.2012 | Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
ESWC 2012 | |
20.6.2012 | Jasna Škrbec, JSI |
ESWC 2012 | |
13.6.2012 | Alexandra Moraru, Inna Novalija, Blaž Fortuna, Jasna Škrbec - JSI |
Highlights of ESWC 2012 conference | |
6.6.2012 | Marko Grobelnik, JSI |
Predstavitev laboratorija E3 gostu Steven-u Woolcock; Apple UK Ltd | |
30.5.2012 | Darja Brodnik, JSI |
Predstavitev projekta SM-RIS | |
23.5.2012 | Tadej Štajner, JSI |
Managing Diversity through Social Media | |
16.5.2012 | Marko Grobelnik, JSI |
FP7 Call-10 | |
Klemen Simonič, JSI | |
Linked Data: Predicting Missing Properties | |
9.5.2012 | Gregor Leban, JSI |
Predstavitev projekta ALERT | |
25.4.2012 | Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
Poročanje o WWW 2012 konferenci | |
18.4.2012 | Klemen Kenda, JSI |
Poročilo o projektu ENVISION | |
11.4.2012 | Blaž Fortuna, JSI |
Poročilo o consortium sestanku XLIKE | |
21.3.2012 | Jasna Škrbec, JSI |
Demo: Exploring History through Newspaper Archives | |
14.3.2012 | Klemen Simonič, JSI |
Missing links | |
29.2.2012 | Alxandra Moraru, JSI |
Demo: Supporting Creation and Validation of Rules in EnStream | |
22.2.2012 | Janez Starc, JSI |
- PARC's bridge | |
- Groningen Meaning Bank | |
25.1.2012 | Dunja Mladenić, JSI |
Pregled dela za Letno poročilo 2011 | |
11.1.2012 | Primož Škraba, JSI |
A spectral sequence for parallelized persistence |