21.12.2011 Ruben Sipoš, JSI
- Large-Margin Learning of Submodular Summarization Methods
- Discovering the most influential documents in a corpus by using only word content and publication time by optimizing submodular coverage objective
14.12.2011 Mario Karlovčec, JSI
Matching business and research with atlas of slovenian science
7.12.2011 Lorand Dali, JSI
Visualisation od Document Atlas
30.11.2011 Blaž Fortuna, JSI
Kc OPCOMM poročanje
23.11.2011 Mojca K. Zavrl, JSI
Pregled dela na projektih
16.11.2011 Tadej Štajner, JSI
Poročilo o delu na Yahoo!
2.11.2011 Luka Bradeško, JSI
Presentation of Demos
26.10.2011 Blaž Fortuna, Gregor Leban, JSI
Presentation of Demos
19.10.2011 Inna Novalija, JSI
Presentation of Demos
12.10.2011 Jasna Škrbec, Alexandra Moraru, Mario Karlovčec, JSI
Presentation of Demos
5.10.2011 Lorand Dali, JSI
- A brief report about the European Summer School of Information Retrieval
- BICIKELJ: Data mining on the bicycle
14.9.2011 Andrej Muhič, JSI
Work related to cross-lingual document similarity computation and Wikipedia
7.9.2011 Blaž Fortuna, JSI
Highlights of the KDD 2011 conference
31.8.2011 Marko Grobelnik, JSI
Highlights of the AAAI 2011 conference
24.8.2011 Mitja Trampuš, Alexandra Moraru, Mario Karlovčec, JSI
Summer school on language, logic and inference;  ESSLLI 2011
17.8.2011 Mario Karlovčec, JSI
PSLC Summer School highlights
10.8.2011 Nenad Tomašev, JSI
PAKDD 2011 conference highlights
3.8.2011 Mario Karlovčec, JSI
Atlas Slovenske Znanosti – collaboration diagram and competence map
13.7.2011 Luka Bradeško, JSI
Paper from ITI 2011 :Contextualized question answering
6.7.2011 Klemen Kenda, JSI
Videk, mashup for enviromental intelligence
29.6.2011 Primož Škraba, JSI
Overview of the symposium of computational geometry
22.6.2011 Jasna Škrbec, JSI
Web application for archives
15.6.2011 Grigoris Antoniou, University of Greece
Semantic computing research @ forth
Andrej Muhič, JSI
Short introduction to cross-lingual document similarity
8.6.2011 Mirjana Ivanović, Deparment of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad
Technology-Enhanced Learning in Different Learning Environments
25.5.2011 Blaž Fortuna, JSI
Current setup on GitHub for code sharing
18.5.2011 Aleš Buh, JSI
GIT HUB software za source control in social network
11.5.2011 Tadej Štaner, JSI
Named entity extraction from Slovene text
20.4.2011 Primož Škraba, JSI
Demo: 'Analyzing Dynamical Systems with Computational Topology'
13.4.2011 Loran Dali, JSI
A short summary of the  tutorial 'Ranking on Large-Scale Graphs with Rich Metadata' at WWW 2011 conference
Alexandra Moraru, JSI
Two papers from WWW2011
- EP-SPARQL: A Unified Language for Event Processing and Stream Reasoning
- Unified Analysis of Streaming News
6.4.2011 Mitja Trampuš, JSI
Two papers from WWW2011
- Computing Word Relatedness Using Temporal Semantic Analysis
- Improving Recommendations for Long-Tail Queries via Templates
Gregor Leban, JSI
Two papers from WWW2011
- Information credibility on Twitter
- Finding hierarchy in directed online social networks
23.3.2011 Boštjan Pajntar, JSI
Mulitilngual corpus crawler
16.3.2011 Matjaž Rihtar, Gregor Leban, JSI
Overview of the european project ALERT
9.3.2011 Blaž Fortuna, JSI
'Miner'' infrastructure inside Glib
Delia Rusu, Mitja Trampuš, JSI
A summary of publications under LIBSCOM - Large Analytics Library for Large Scale Concept Ontology for Multimedia
Klemen Kenda, JSI
Slides about implementation of miner for SensorLab
Luka Bradeško, JSI
A short discussion regarding E3 group on Mendeley
Nenad Tomašev, JSI
A discussion of possible presentation of our group at the following new media event in Belgrade:
2.3.2011 Jasna Škrbec, JSI
Uporabniku prijazen arhiv za učinkovit pregled znanja iz korpusov besedil
Nenad Tomašev, JSI
- Hubness proportional clustering
- Using class hubness for high-dimensional kNN classification
23.2.2011 Tadej Štajner, Blaž Fortuna, Primož Škraba, JSI
FET ideas
16.2.2011 Bojan Blažica, xLab d.o.o.
Seminar on Shoebox
19.1.2011 Blaž Fortuna, Delia Rusu, JSI
Presenting the RENDER project
9.1.2011 Delia Rusu, JSI
Presenting a paper on opinion mining and social media - predicting box-office revenues for movies based on Twitter: Predicting the Future With Social Media