Marko Grobelnik on “Studio at 17h” Setting the limits on Artificial Intelligence (in Slovene)

Tune in TODAY, MONDAY 5TH JULY 2021 at 17 CET

Studio at 17h: Setting the limits on Artificial Intelligence
Will we be able to formulate the appropriate rules of the game for artificial intelligence tailored to man?

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The show will be talking about the use of artificial intelligence and how it has fundamentally changed the ways we communicate, inform ourselves, research, plan, and make decisions in less than two decades.

Moderator: Nina Slacek
- Gregor Strojin, Chairman of the Council of Europe Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI)
- dr. Maja Bogataj Jancic, Director of the Institute for Intellectual Property and Head of the Data Management Group at the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence (GPAI)
- Marko Grobelnik, from the Jozef Stefan Institute, member and co-founder of the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO (IRCAI)
- Samo Zorc, Ministry of Public Administration (Ministrstvo za javno upravo), coordinator of the recently adopted National Program for the Promotion of the Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Republic of Slovenia until 2025