Interview with Marko Grobelnik on Corona Virus
Marko Grobelnik gave an interview at RTV Slovenija on Corona Virus (in slovene)
FACTLOG has a new website
We are very excited to announce the launch of the website for the #FACTLOG project as well as the Twitter account and Linkedin page.
Slovenian dashboard on Corona Virus
Marko Grobelnik gave an interview at Val202 on Coronavirus Watch dashboard build by IRCAI (in slovene)
Corona Virus Media Watch
We are releasing global & per-country real-time CoronaVirus media monitor - check Corona Virus Media Watch ...more to come in the next days
Aljaz Kosmerlj on Workshop with roundtable: “Coexist with AI – Vision of the Society 5.0″
Coexistence with Artificial Intelligence: A Vision of Society 5.0: Any development and implementation of AI must be based on ethical principles and public trust
Mitja Jermol named person of the week on Val202!
Mitja Jermol was named person of the week on Val202! (in slovene)
Marko Grobelnik attending the LT4All conference
Our own Marko Grobelnik attending the LT4All conference on linguistic diversity and indigenous languages
Smo lahke tarče kibernetskih napadalcev?
Podcast: Sodobne tehnologije (in Slovene) so lahko orodja geopolitičnih in gospodarskih vojn, državnega nadzora in malih prevar
Ljubljana seat of UNESCO-sponsored global AI research centre
Paris, 25 November - The first UNESCO-sponsored international centre for artificial intelligence (AI) will be seated in Ljubljana, the UNESCO conference general decided in Paris on Monday. The ministry in charge of education and science believes this puts Slovenia on the global map of the most high-profile and advanced countries AI-wise.