Dunja Mladenic participating at panel on The Mis-portrayal of AI in the Media: What to do about it?

Dunja Mladenic participating at panel on The Mis-portrayal of AI in the Media: What to do about it?

Well-known AI and FET AI researchers as well as science communicators/ journalists will discuss different, multi-disciplinary perspectives on how AI is presented in the media.

Erich Prem- Founder & CEO eutema GmbH; FETFX

• Luc Steels- Professor Emeritus VUB Artificial Intelligence Research Group; ICREA Research Professor, Institute of Evolutionary Biology; Scientific coordinator, H2020 MUHAI project
• Renata Dacinger- Journalist, Editor and Presenter of 'Let's Bite into the Science' on RTV Slovenia
• Dunja Mladenić- Senior Researcher, Project Leader & Head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Jožef Stefan Institute
• Fausto Giunchiglia- Full Professor of Computer Science at University of Trento; WeNet Project Coordinator