Aljaz Kosmerlj on Workshop with roundtable: “Coexist with AI – Vision of the Society 5.0″

Coexistence with Artificial Intelligence: A Vision of Society 5.0: Any development and implementation of AI must be based on ethical principles and public trust


Dr. Aljaž Košmerlj emphasized that artificial intelligence systems are currently quite simple tools, designed to perform certain tasks. Furthermore he highlighted the power that certain platforms have to amplify a particular aspect of the certain message. However – none of those platforms is willing to be held responsible for the consequences of such actions. “But I think regulators will soon recognize that this power is too big to remain unregulated.” He noted that the knowledge that people have about how algorithms work, needs to be strengthened, as knowledge also provides at least some resistance to some less the desired effects of the use of algorithms. “The society will adapt to AI as it has done many times before. However, many problems can be avoided through education. ”