Erik Novak

Researcher in Artificial Intelligence


I am a Researcher at the Department for Artificial Intelligence, Jozef Stefan Institute. My research interests are in NLP, more specifically text document and text stream analysis, (semi-)automatic data exploration, and text data visualization.

I am also a Teaching Assistant at the Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School.

Latest Publications (see more)

Why is a Document Relevant? Understanding the Relevance Scores in Cross-Lingual Document Retrieval. E. Novak, L. Bizjak, D. Mladenić, and M. Grobelnik. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022.
SLOmet - Slovenian Commonsense Description. A. Mladenić Grobelnik, E. Novak, D. Mladenić, M. Grobelnik. Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehouses (SiKDD), Ljubljana, 2022. Video
Measuring the Similarity of Song Artists using Topic Modelling. E. Calcina, E. Novak. Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehouses (SiKDD), Ljubljana, 2022. Video

Programming Skills

PythonPyTorchHuggingFacePython PandasNumpyJupyterNodeJSReactStorybookJavaScriptTypeScriptHTML5CSS3SassPostgreSQLElasticRedisDockerVSCodeGitFigma