Dunja Mladenic works as a researcher and project manager at J. Stefan Institute, leading Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and teaching at J. Stefan International Postgraduate School. She is an expert on study and development of Machine Learning, Data/Text Mining, Semantic Technology techniques and their application on real-world problems. Dunia Mladenic is Kundalini Research Institute Certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and certified Shakti Dance® – Yoga of dance instructor. She is associated with the J. Stefan Institute since 1987. She was a visiting researcher at School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA in 1996-1997 and in 2000-2001.
Dunja Mladenic serves on the Institute’s Scientific Council (2013-2017) as a vice president (2015-2017). ). She has experience in coordinating EU projects and acting on management board of several European research and development projects. She is the Slovenian representative in EC Enwise STRATA ETAN Expert Group, serves as an evaluator of project proposals for EC and NSF. She has published papers in refereed journals and conferences, co-edited several books, served on program committees of international conferences and organized international events.