Leading Atrificial Intelligence Laboratory at Jozef Stefan Institute, serving on the Institute’s Scientific Council (2013-2017) as a vice president (2015-2017) and working on a number of research projects mainly related to Machine Learning, Data and Text Mining, Big Data Analytic, Semantic Technologies and their application on real-world problems.
Professor at Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate school, and University of Ljubljana, University of Primorska, University of Zagreb (FERI and FOI), teaching classes related to Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
Visiting researcher with Tom Mitchell at School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (1996-1997) and (2000-2001). General chair of ECML PKDD-2009, program co-chair of ECML PKDD-2007, tutorial chair of ECML PKDD-2005, awards chair of ECML PKDD-2003, poster chair of KDD-2009, Workshop and Tutorial chair for ICML-2003, Workshop chair for ICML-1999.
President of Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society SLAIS (2010-2014), Advisory board member of ACM Slovenija. Slovenian representative in EC Enwise STRATA ETAN Expert Group Promoting women scientists from the Central and Eastern European countries and the Baltic States to produce gender equality in science in the wider Europe.
Recent News
- Debate on memory, creativity, consciousness
- Talk on Cross-lingual global media monitoring
- @National TV on Media monitoring
- Woman in Science – interview
- Big Data Management Tutorial @ISWC-2013
- Free-time activity: Shakti Dance performance
- @National radio on Alan Turing, October 2012.
- @National TV on Technology and Privacy(Trikotnik).